New Trailer: The Grudge

Sarah Michelle Gellar stars as Naomi Watts in this remake of the American remake of The Ring. Actually, that's not true. This is a remake of another Japanese horror film called Ju-on: The Grudge. The title The Grudge sounds a bit too much like a comedy, but I digress. Another remake of a Japanese horror film is on the way: The Eye which is being produced by Tom Cruise, possibly starring Naomi Watts or Sarah Michelle Gellar. Or both. No, that's a lie, too. (About Watts and Gellar. Tom Cruise is really producing a remake of that film. Also coming is a remake of Shall We Dance? starring Jennifer Lopez and Richard Gere. Now that's scarier than any of these films.) Whatever. This trailer raises some serious goosebumps, but let's hope that been-there/done-that feeling isn't in the actual film.
Before you die, you'll get The Grudge.
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