Random Thoughts: Drama Queen, Hills Have Eyes

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen - 4/10
Lindsay Lohan makes her first strike-out with this uneven teenybopper flick about a "drama queen" who moves to New Jersey and has a hard time fitting it. Well, that's only a little of the plot, as the movie is a combination of five or six teen movie storyline. Director Sara Sugarman goes for a second rate Disney Channel movie feel instilling energy that comes off as generic instead of making the film feel alive. The screenwriters seem to be struggling with too much material to fill a 90 minute movie. Lohan, nevertheless, shines and does what she can with the material almost making a forgettable film somewhat watchable. And I must say it: Lohan dressed as Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn shows off the now 18-year-old's gorgeous curves. Joining her is Allison Pill (the younger sister of Katie Holmes in Pieces of April) who appears to be acting in an entirely different movie than everyone else: a much better one.
The Hills Have Eyes - 6/10
Wes Craven returns to similar territory as his early 70's "classic" The Last House on the Left. Trading a woods setting for the desert and sadistic serial killers for cannibals, I love Craven's examination of families push to the limit and their necessity to seek revenge. I'd say House is more disturbing than Hills, but the latter is the superior film. House came off too much as a snuff film. Hills, while not completely satisfying, raises some goosebumps and manages to at least entertain for its duration instead of just being sick. Craven's true masterstroke didn't come until 1984 with A Nigthmare on Elm Street, roughly seven years after this film. If you are a fan of the director, its definately worth checking out even if it doesn't follow the rules set up by Elm then shattered with a wink by Scream.
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